A Seed was planted

Introducing Mustard Seed, an alkaline vegan food catering company that sprouted in 2019 and came to life in 2020, alongside many other visionary enterprises of that time.

Chef Dre embarked on his vegan journey in 2018 when he discovered his blood pressure was "borderline" high. Determined to address the issue holistically, Dre made swift changes to his diet overnight. After nearly a year of detoxing and occasionally adopting a raw vegan lifestyle, Dre successfully brought his blood pressure back to a normal range. This transformative journey was made smoother by his mother, Bernez, who skillfully prepared the majority of his meals—yes, every single one.

Upon relocating to Los Angeles in 2020, Dre found himself ordering takeout daily. Soon realizing the financial strain of this habit, he embraced the art of food shopping and bid farewell to the luxury of his mother's home-cooked Jamaican vegan dishes.

Although Dre had limited cooking experience, he began experimenting with YouTube recipes and gradually discovered a passion for culinary exploration. From sourcing ingredients to creating delightful dishes, Dre fell in love with the entire process—from start to plate.

To share his newfound culinary delights, Dre began inviting friends and family to his one-bedroom flat in LA, where he would cook for them. Their enthusiastic feedback about the flavors and presentation ignited a spark—an idea worth sharing with the masses. The seed had been planted.

With the seed firmly rooted in his mind, Dre sought divine guidance through a month of fasting, humbly waiting to hear from God. One Saturday morning, as he diligently cleaned his bathroom, Dre audibly heard the words, "Mustard Seed." Embracing this divine message, Dre moved forward with faith and started Mustard Seed—a venture that allowed him to steward his God-given gift of cooking vegan eats. Seed by seed, he sows into the health of others; the flavors of nourishment and joy, or as he likes to say, “Sowing one seed at a time.”

Follow Chef Dre on instagram

Sowing one seed at a time

Sowing one seed at a time •

Matthew 17:20 KJV

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.